Astoria Tech Meetup #22: Containerizing a Node.js app... LIVE!
Our next virtual event is this week. We’ll be containerizing the Astoria Digital MuckRock project.
Astoria Tech Meetup has a virtual event coming up on Wednesday the 25 from 6:30pm–8:30pm. This time we’ll be containerizing the MuckRock project for Astoria Digital that a few of us have been working on.
Astoria Tech Meetup is a great way to meet other developers, designers, product managers, project managers, researchers and more who are in the tech industry (or aspire to be!). We welcome you no matter where you live.
It’s also a great place to meet the people behind Astoria Digital, our local group of digital volunteers for the community. We’re always looking for new people to join, and there are many ways to contribute beyond writing code. Ask us about it :)