It's the Saturday after Adobe MAX, coming down from what is a very busy time each year, so I wanted to start somewhere simple: my Terminal.
Before I began at Adobe a little over 4 years ago, I used to blog quite a bit. I do a fair amount of writing about the Creative Cloud platform and ecosystem on Medium but there are other things I'd like to write about as well. While I've made a couple of attempts to restart my own blog since then, it hasn't stuck either time.
I'm going to give it another shot.
It's also been a while since I've had time to revisit my development setup. It might seem like a development setup is a critical element for someone leading a developer relations team, but the reality is that I'm working across such broad range of areas that it's easy for some things to collect dust.
It's the Saturday after Adobe MAX, coming down from what is a very busy time each year, so I wanted to start somewhere simple: my Terminal.
I ended up rehashing:
- the font (SF Mono Regular 11pt. → Inconsolata for Powerline 14pt.)
- Terminal theme (Silver Aerogel → a variation of Slate)
- zsh theme (mh → agnoster)
Here's what it looks like:
I put a small repo on GitHub for this Terminal setup.